Tuesday 2 August 2011

I'll Be Home

For those of you who don't know it, we Greeks have a "have a good" wish for almost everything: the day, the week, the month, the season (more often for Summer & Winter), a sleep, a dawning... Perhaps it is quite a telling trait, of a People traditionally striving and forever wishing for the best.

So, καλό μήνα ("a good month") to us all!

The first of the month found me moving houses. In a previous, rather blues-afflicted post (don't click unless you can read Greek), I was contemplating the strange sadness involved in moving, even when the next dwelling is going to be a perfectly beautiful place, in the sense that I always feel I am leaving a part of me behind. It follows that A House Is Not A Home (beautifully sung by the amazing Luther Vandross) and it's really not about the walls or roof, it is about the life that took place within.

The thought that came over me today is that houses are never really homes. People are.

The people in our lives at any given point in time, the ones we turn to for the little and the big stuff, the ones we share our trials, tribulations, joys and laughs with. Those people are "home".

And so, my "moving blues funk" lifted.

Whether here or there, I will never be homeless, because of the people who care for me, shelter me, nurture me and generally see me through this complex business of living.

I can but hope that I, too, am "home" to others.

And so I leave you with this song for tonight. It is perhaps not for the sake of expediency that the little word "at" is missing ;)

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